Assigning permission to collaborator(s)

Choosing what your collaborator(s) is able to do.

1. Setting Up a Collaboration & Permission

Once a collaborator has accepted the invitation link you can assign them permissions to view an individual learner or a group of learners.

Enter a collaboration name and add a collaborator by selecting the 'Add' button.

Setting Up a Collaboration & Permission

2. Check the box to confirm your permission (View only)

By checking the box you are agreeing to give the collaborators view only permission over the learners you select.

Check the box to confirm your permission (View only)

3. Add Learners for the collaborator to view

By selecting the 'Add' you will be able to select learners or groups of learners for the collaborator to collaborate on.

Add Learners for the collaborator to view

4. Choose Individuals or Groups

Choose Individuals or Groups

5. Finalise your Collaboration Set Up

From here you can now see the collaboration, collaborator(s) and learners they have visibility over. 

To finalise the set up select 'Create'.

Finalise your Collaboration Set Up