Badges & Achievements

Create a reward system for your learners.

1. Create Badges

This step allows you to create your own badges and assign them to categories, subcategories and tasks!

This option and you can 'skip' this section.

Create Badges

2. Badge Library

From here you can see the badges you have created in your badge library.

Badge Library

3. Create your own badge

You can also create additional badges by selecting the 'Add badge & achievement'.

Create your own badge

4. Customize the look and feel!

There are various badge styles and awards that can be customized to best suit the achievement.

Customize the look and feel!

5. Assigning your badge

It's important to assign your badge to a category, subcategory or task. Select which level you would like the badge to be awarded.

Please note, if you assign a badge to a category and that category consists of 10 tasks, the weighting of the badge will be split evenly across each task at a weight of 10%. The weighting can be changed in the weighting section.

Assigning your badge

6. Click on Weighting

To customize the weighting of each badge select the 'weighting' button.

Click on Weighting

7. Altering the weighting

Changing the weighting of the badge across multiple tasks will usually depend on the difficult of that task as some tasks will be more challenging than others which would require a higher merit of weighting.

Simply delete the weighting figure and replace it with your desired %. This will automatically recalculate the remaining task weightings.

Altering the weighting

8. Edit Badges

Selecting this button will allow you to edit and delete your badges.

Edit Badges

9. Click on Save

Click 'Save' to progress to the next stage!

Click on Save